Do not go gentle into that good night...

Map of Earth Federation Before 3rd Civil War

Map of Earth Federation Before 3rd Civil War


The characters are introduced and begin their adventures.  Xinjao O'Reilly finds a listening device in his quarters on the EFS Schaumburg.  The Schaumburg's CO, Captain Erich Von Shrakenberg, sends his ship's marine detachment, commanded by Lt. Malachi Spyder, to examine a smuggling vessel commanded by Andrea Treschi.  On the other side of the Federation, MSgt Alastair Dimiye saves his security detachment when the Federation consulate on Khmer is overrun by Eastern Bloc forces.  Across the Federation yet again, Justine Macoure's band of crooks escapes from an ambush on Van Diemen.  Hex finishes his training as an assassin and is sent on his first mission.

Newsletter One:
Avalon Times-World, March 2nd, 2243

HTML / MSWord / Updated Map
Earth System falls...Bad Andy on rampage...Bugs invade FWT...Eastern Bloc invades...Exeter combat drug scandal...and more.

Episode One:
Politics by Other Means

Act One
Erich destroys the InSec corvette after it fires on Treschi's ship.  Treschi manages to talk his way out of being arrested for smuggling, but Erich drafts him back into military service against his will.  Xinjao investigates the InSec bug he found in his quarters.  Dimiye tries to sneak his troopers out of the Eastern Bloc with the help of a friendly freighter captain.  Justine is injured in a bar fight.  Hex sets out on his mission, leaving the only home he'd ever known.

Act Two
Mark Smith is introduced, and is hired to assassinate Rashid King, Commandant of InSec.  Unable to sneak out, Dimiye blasts his way out of the Eastern Bloc.  Justine Macoure is betrayed and killed by Freak.  Hex kidnaps and interrogates a vampire.  Treschi is forced to dump his cargo, and is royally pissed about it.  Erich commandeers Treschi's empty freighter and crashes it into a jumpgate to destroy the Jurvain invasion fleet before it can capture Rios.

Act Three
Mark Smith visit InSec HQ and case the joint.  Dimiye reaches the Hadley system, and finds it a war zone.  Hex successfully takes out the target of his assassination mission.  Malachi deals with personnel problems while Erich takes the Schaumburg on a high-velocity chase around the sun to escape the wrath of the Jurvain fleet.  Xinjao helps Erich set up the Jurvain for an explosive ambush.  Treschi hacks into the ship's comm systems to contact his employers in the middle of the battle.

Act Four
Hex takes a nap to recover from his wounds, and awakens to confront a beautiful brunette with a gun aimed at his head.  I think we've all had that dream at one time or another.  Dimiye lands on Hadley and takes out a bunch of EB ground forces.  Mark Smith infiltrates InSec HQ again.  Xinjao repairs battle damage and Malachi does paperwork while Erich takes the Schaumburg back to Avalon.  Another InSec listening device is found on the Schaumburg, this time by Treschi, and Xinjao investigates it.

Newsletter two
Freeboot Dispatch, March 24th, 2243

HTML / MSWord / Updated Map
Why We Fight...Eastern Bloc advances...Jurvain stopped at Rios...Bad Andy fights Enoch...K'Nes invasion stalled at New Tokyo...and more.

Episode Two:
Touch of Celestial Temper

Act One
Mark Smith again fails to kill Rashid King, but settles for killing his deputy.  The Schaumburg docks at Avalon, and Erich goes to see Admiral Vorheis.  Xinjao talks one of Treschi's men into helping him break into the InSec mainframe to investigate the listening devices.  Treschi gets out of the military and into a bar fight.  Spyder's trip to see his business managers gets cut short by new orders.  Hex shows mercy for the first time in his life, and heads back home to The Center.  Dimiye takes over the defense of Hope Settlement on Hadley.

Act Two
Spyder checks in with his new commander and is less than happy with his new job.  Dimiye saves a planet and loses a dear friend.  Treschi gets sent on an errand by Clarke and kissed by his compatriot.  Mark Smith belatedly decides to research his target and is offered help from an unexpected source.  Erich gets his new ship and finds out his first orders are to go on a suicide mission.  Xinjao comes along as his exec and finds their ship is a pile of junk.  Hex returns home and swats some flies.

Act Three
Treschi talks investments and much more with an underworld contact.  Dimiye gets a promotion, which means taking a crash course in officer training.  Mark Smith gets intel on King from the Resistance.  Erich makes battle plans while Xinjao deals with a crew of insubordinate misfits and worse.  Hex stops for lunch and gets a surprise family reunion for dessert.  Spyder looks over his new unit, and likes what he sees.

Act Four
Xinjao gets the ship ready for battle.  Erich takes it into battle and barely gets it out again.  Spyder preps his troops and makes a combat drop.  Treschi cuts a deal with the rebels and meets a mystery man.  Hex gets mind probed by his sister and awakens as a full mage himself.  Mark Smith escapes from an InSec raid and makes a house call.  Dimiye meets a crazy general and creates the Dead Boys.

Newsletter Three
Gabriel's Trumpet, April 10th, 2243

HTML / MSWord / Updated Map
Message from the Commander...Enoch repelled from Phoenix...Fed defeats TI at New Madrid...Righteous Army siezes Alpha Centauri...Eastern Bloc driven off Epsilon...and more.

Episode Three:
Blood of Patriots

Act One
Spyder Captures some rebel artillery but gets separated from his unit.  Erich surrenders to the Jurvain, but it’s all a ruse.  Xinjao saves Erich from a lonely death in space.  Hex learns more about his mysterious past.  Dimiye heads once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more, and blows up the wall with his Dead Boys.  Mark Smith flees from former friends and foes alike, and gets a surprising job offer from an even more surprising employer.  Treschi loses his lunch but reaches his destination.

Act Two
Dimiye breaks on through to the other side, and has a rare good day.  Erich gets a medal and a promotion, but it costs him an arm and a leg.  Mark Smith can’t make a simple trip to the library without killing at least one person and getting into a swordfight with King.  Xinjao plays poker and wins a transfer to a new assignment.  Spyder manages to lose a fight with a tree and gets himself captured.  Treschi delivers Danika and gets a briefing on a secret project.  Miro Creed is introduced, and promptly saves his charge from a hit squad, but not from his own formidable libido.

Act Three
Miro goes to a rock concert and gets liver damage the hard way.  Mark Smith takes a mid-battle nap and wakes up in a barroom brawl.  Spyder turns down a chance to turn his coat.  Hex and the resistance cell run off to rescue Mark.  Dimiye gets a new gun and gets ready for the final push on Alpha Epsilon.  Xinjao settles into his new assignment and discovers another listening device.  Treschi finds the other kind of bug and fights them from inside a hovertank.  Erich gets dangled out his hospital-room window by a killer nurse.

Act Four
Dimiye wakes up from a bad dream to find himself in a living nightmare.  Spyder confronts his nemesis.  Xinjao coordinates repairs to the station and conceals his porn pipeline from prying eyes.  Miro tries to quit his job, but a shocking revelation pulls him back in.  Erich wakes up from a bad dream to a family reunion.  Hex saves Mark Smith from one old foe only for him to confront a new one.  Treschi engineers a shocking betrayal.

Episode Four:
Guilty By Design

Act One
Mark Smith gets in yet another barroom brawl, but learns much more about his mysterious magic sword in the process.  Treschi cries crocodile tears at a funeral, and gets a lesson in manners from Rashid King.  Dimiye learns that words can be weapons, sharper than knives.  Miro deals with a two-bit hacker.  Spyder gets a medal and a promotion.  Hex learns the power of mind magic, and the value of family.  Erich helps plan an apocalyptic battle.  Xinjao works against a deadline.

Act Two
Xinjao bullies a recalcitrant bit of machinery into submission, and learns a surprising fact about himself in the process.  Hex flees a firefight and heads off to fulfill a promise.  Mark Smith goes through Pokemon Evolution and becomes Xavier Pollos.  Miro tracks down an InSec agent who killed an old friend, to find himself being tracked down as well.  Erich finds out he’s a mere pawn in a much bigger game than he thought.  Treschi is saved from near death but sent right back into the underworld.  Spyder regifts a gun and is ordered to betray an old friend.  Dimiye is reunited with his family and told a shocking secret.

Act Three
Dimiye says goodbye to old friends and hello to his new troops, who are more than meets the eye.  Xavier Pollos learns yet another new trick with his magic sword, and a key fact about its origins.  Xinjao is captured in battle by religious fanatics who apparently never watched MacGyver.  Spyder learns why Colonel Delarosa has it in for his ex-lover.  Miro gets caught in the crossfire as three powerful groups battle over who gets to capture him first, so he flees with a fourth group.  Tresch meets an underworld boss in a bar and gets his new job offer.  Hex discusses his mysterious past with Brigette.  Erich can only look on helplessly as his battle plans go awry.

Act Four
Treschi goes for a Klingon Promotion and cuts a deal with the Mystery man from two episodes ago.  Erich debates political philosophy with the oldest living lieutenant in the TI.  Spyder's arrest is interrupted by the invasion of Babylon 3 by Dimiye and his Dead Boys.  The vampire attacking Pollos gets the shock of her unlife, and he escapes.  Miro gets to know the Resistance Horadrim who rescued him.  Hex joins Brigette's resistance cell in defense against an attack by freelance mercs.  Xinjao and his engineers wage bloody war on Bad Andy's soldiers in the Battle of Dock 14.

Newsletter Four
New Tokyo Argus, June 16th, 2243

Arthur Clark Dead... Federation Invades Valkriye, Earth... TI Liberate Port Arthur, Fieras... Bug Battle on Boyne... Bad Andy in Phoenix?... K'Nes Pull Out of Midgar... and more.

Episode Five:
Walk In Love, Fly In Chains

Act One
Xinjao awakes from a coma to find himself prisoner of the Righteous Army.  Hex escapes with Brigette from New Paris and heads to Avalon.  Dimiye turns the table on a Federation ambush.  Spyder escapes from Delarosa but is captured by the rebels.  Treschi finds his price was met and he gets the hacker and the data he asked for.  Erich is taken to a gravesite by Lwan.  Miro recovers from his injuries and overhears a cryptic conversation.  Pollos meets the new head of InSec and gets a surprising job offer from a vampire.

Act Two
Pollos agrees to whack Treschi, and blackmails Gergenstein into providing him with the resources to do it.  Miro gets raptured up to Horadrim Heaven by Vin Dane.  Treschi talks to a snake and then to Auntie Sarah.  Erich and Lwan hatch a plot with a Resistance admiral.  Xinjao comes to realize the full cost of war.  Dimiye agrees to join Fargus' coup, but also to work with the Resistance.  Spyder agrees to switch sides and join the Rebels.  Hex and Brigette go to see an elite hacker.

Act Three
Hex escapes via shuttle yet again.  Xinjao gets a message out of enemy-occupied Phoenix.  Spyder saves a spaceport and joins the Dead Boys.  Dimiye reads his classified personnel file and learns a shocking secret.  Erich helps the rebels capture a Horadrim Battlecruiser operated by InSec.  Damien Richter is introduced, and after being booted up and given a name, he gets assigned as Rashid King's personal bodyguard.  Pollos thinks the mages Gergenstein assigned him are inadequate, and his subsequent capture by the Raptors proves him right.  Treschi returns to his family home on Minos for a short and bittersweet reunion with his mother.

Act Four
Treschi meets with two VIP's while his mother's corpse quietly bleeds out in the corner.  Hex gets his first assigned mission with the Resistance.  Erich helps a resistance expert in Alien Tech take control of the Horadrim battlecruiser.  Pollos gets a mind screw and is unceremoniously dumped back at his apartment.  Xinjao gets assigned his own personal watchdog to make sure he's really working for Bad Andy now.  Richter removes an inconvenient obstacle from King's path to power.  Spyder sorts out his brigade's command roster.  Dimiye learns still more shocking secrets about his past, and one about his future.

Episode Six:
Plains of Abraham

Act One
Hex plays video games and meets his new strike team leader.  Xinjao has nightmares and gets a new prosthetic hand.  Treschi returns to Avalon and sets his coup machinery in motion.  Spyder makes one more attempt to whip his unit commanders into shape.  Erich returns to Avalon and accuses King of treason before the Grand Council.  Richter escorts King into the Council Chambers to face the charges.  Pollos suckers a vampire into providing a distraction to allow him to enter the chambers as well.  As King launches a coup of his own, Dimiye leads a rebel invasion of Avalon.

Act Two
Dimiye and Spyder take a space walk to wreck a battlestation.  Hex runs several training simulations.  Xinjao organizes some sabotage and sends a message to InSec.  Erich tries to protect the Grand Coincil against King and gets wounded for his trouble.  Pollos finally manages to kill King.  Treschi wipes out what's left of the Grand Council after King is finished with them.  Richter escapes with his new master.

Act Three
Erich commandeers a transport and blows a hole in the Rebel Fleet over Avalon.  Hex continues to train and to be confused by his feelings for Brigette.  Xinjao finds that saving a spacedock from disaster won't buy him forgiveness for causing the disaster in the first place - by destroying the Righteous Navy's shiny new flagship.  Dimiye knocks down radio towers, Spyder bombs Tech Infantry HQ, and Richter takes out Raptor HQ as the war comes to the capital city.  Treschi hires Pollos to investigate Richter and kill Gergenstein.

Act Four
Treschi is rescued from the rubble and finds that someone he's been looking for has been looking for him in turn.  Erich gets command of a Battlecruiser Squadron and tries once more to turn the tide in the space battle above Avalon.  Richter is rescued from the rubble and sent to a secret sewer facility for repairs.  Xinjao is tortured by Christians who teach him the true meaning of "an eye for an eye".  Xavier Pollos hires his associates from his former life as Mark Smith to assassinate... Xavier Pollos.  Hex finally arrives on Arnheim to face a shocking betrayal.  Spyder inherits command of the Dead Boys when Dimiye makes a suicidal last stand to cover their withdrawal under enemy fire.

Newsletter Five
Avalon Times-World & New Tokyo Argus - September 1st, 2243

Grand Council Assassinated... "Auntie" Sarah Killed... Fighting on Avalon...

Episode Seven:
Destroyer Of Worlds

Act One
Spyder has to fight for command of the Dead Boys, and for a chance at combat again.  Xinjao's co-conspirators break into the brig, not to rescue him, but to kill him before he can talk.  Hex dreams of the Grey Man, then is shown a vision of Angels.  Brother Caleb is introduced, both to the story and to his new assignment working for the All-Father Project.  Richter kidnaps a scientist to be clone material, and begins training to be Leviathan's successor.  Erich orchestrates a series of pissant maneuvers to throw the rebel fleet off-balance.  Xavier Pollos confronts an assassin sent to kill him.  Treschi is confronted by the return of someone he thought he'd seen die, and by the bloody death of someone he thought he could count on.

Act Two
Richter tracks down and kidnaps Xavier Pollos.  Pollos turns the tables on Richter and takes him captive in turn.  Hex accepts Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior and reads his Bible like a good little boy.  Brother Caleb challenges a fellow pilot for the right to fly the All-Father battle suit in its first combat test.  Xinjao talks his compatriots out of killing him, and gathers his people for a desperate mass escape attempt.  Spyder captures his former platoon sergeant in combat, and faces a new rival.  Treschi gets offered a deal which could end the war.  Erich captures two enemy warships and opens the Digital Gate... but doesn't get the massive reinforcements he expected.

Act Three
Erich manages to destroy most of the retreating rebel fleet.  Treschi accepts the deal with Wall and InSec, and sends an agent out on a mission.  Pollos delivers the unconscious body of Richter to a hacker pal to have his mind hacked.  Richter wakes up and escapes, but defaults to his most basic programming.  Spyder fights to keep his unit alive and together in an increasingly hopeless situation.  Xinjao makes good his escape, leaving little but smoking wreckage behind him.  Brother Caleb takes the All-Father out for a test flight, then takes it much further than his superiors intended.  Hex finds out what his first mission will be as a missionary in arms.

Act Four
Hex gets a lesson in Time Magick, and a visit from the mysterious Grey Man.  Xinjao returns to Avalon, almost getting into a space battle with a ship captained by an old friend.  Erich gets good and drunk at the post-battle victory party, and has a heart-to-heart talk with his cousin.  Spyder defeats Wilhelm's putsch for command of the Dead Boys, but at a terrible cost.  Treschi betrays his new companions and makes several alternative deals with other power brokers.  Richter contacts Leviathan and rejoins the unit in time to take part in their most brutal and destructive attack yet.  Pollos refuses to help Richardson find Marko Vitek, instead going home to New Madrid, only to find that Marko Vitek is looking for him.  Brother Caleb takes the All-Father to Earth, for a family reunion and a shocking revelation.

Newsletter Six
Bloc Business Bulletin - October 1st, 2243

K'Nes-Jurvain Ally & Invade... Frontier Worlds Territory Overrun, Collapses... Phoenix Yards Destroyed... and more.

Episode Eight:
Where Eagles Dare Not Perch

Act One
Dimiye is returned to his rebel comrades, to seal an alliance between the Rebels and the Resistance.  Pollos visits Earth and learns more about the history of his sword.  Hex realizes that there is no spoon.  Richter refuses Gergenstein's order to stand down the operation and die as patsies in a false-flag operation, and covers his escape with a massive nuclear blast in the heart of the capital.  Spyder reunites with his old business partners to find they are not quite who he thought they were.  Treschi lays a trap for Richter and his cyborg friends.  Xinjao has nightmares while being patched up in the hospital, and runs into an old flame.  Erich gets a promotion that drags him into politics, which promptly prove as deadly as any conventional battle.

Act Two
Erich refuses Wall's blackmail attempts and shows him how Earth Fleet conducts negotiations.  Treschi realizes that Vorheis has double-crossed him and makes other plans.  Dimiye makes an explosive entrance to the Battle of Midgar.  Pollos tracks down the vampire that killed his mother.  Hex argues theology and scripture with his strike team commander.  Xinjao is happy to be promoted and given a new assignment, less happy to be made a propaganda prop and denied the chance to stike back at Bad Andy.  Richter tries to contact the Rebels for resupply and support.  Spyder rebuffs his entreaties, and finally gets to take a rest... a final one.

Act Three
Richter gets severely damaged in battle, and picked up by a couple of redneck scrap dealers.  Xinjao takes command of his new ship, and meets some old friends.  Treschi patches things up between Gergenstein and MacManus.  Erich drops rocks on the capital city's outskirts and airport to smash enemy troops opposed to Admiral Vorheis' coup.  Pollos travels to Wilke's Star with Daphonston and walks right into a trap.  Hex and the strike team make it to Valkyrie, capturing a corvette en route.  Dimiye and his troops defeat a K'Nes infiltration attack on Midgar.  Zechariah McNeilly is introduced, negotiating a deal with the Eastern Bloc and killing a street gang for fun.

Act Four
Zechariah's hatred of humanity finally gets the better of him, and he kills the negotiators trying to sew up the alliance with the Eastern Bloc.  Dimiye gets captured in battle by the K'Nes, and confronted by an old enemy he thought was dead.  Hex helps the Christian Federation take Valkyrie.  Xinjao talks things over with his ex, and comes to a conclusion on what to do next.  Erich witnesses the return of Arthur Clarke to power, and gets asked on a date by Vorheis.  Richter is rescued from the scrap heap by Doctor Shiro.  Treschi returns to Wilke's Star and is humiliated by one of his own subordinates.  Pollos fights 14 vampires, and kills 13 of them, but it's not enough.

Newsletter Seven
Avalon World-Times - November 1st, 2243

Arthur Clarke Becomes Federation Chairman... Implements the Five Acts... Jurvain Defeated at New Paris... K'Nes Sieze Midgar... Resistance Captures Draco... Bad Andy Takes Valkriye... and more.

Episode Nine:
Caution, Wit, and Discretion

Act One
(The following episodes do not yet have episode summaries.  We apologize for the inconvenience.)

Act Two

Act Three

Act Four

Newsletter Eight
Fuhr end Fangh - December 2nd, 2243

K'Nes Invade New Tokyo... New Eastern Bloc Invasion... Resistance Fleet Destroyed... Jurvain Defeated at New Madrid... Arthur Clarke Appoints Himself Marshal... and more.

Episode Ten:
World of My Devising

Act One

Act Two

The Epilogue

Map of the Earth Federation After the 3rd Civil War

Ending Map

Click here to read the story from season 4.2!
Click to read the prequel story - TI Season 4.2: The Daughter's War

Click here to read the story from season 8: The Middle Kingdom!
Click to read the sequel story - TI Season 8: The Middle Kingdom

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