WARNING: This game is designed to make everyone plastered and the Woodens go through an entire case of A&W
Take One Drink Whenever:
- Anyone dies! (just take one if several die at the same time)
- Anyone screws someone else over
- Any player character experiences inner torment (limit one drink per scene)
- A major plot twist occurs in any storyline
- Any appearance of an avatar, totem, or spirit guide
- The grammar in the Pollos story suddenly switches tenses
(drink twice if it switches within the same sentence)
- Treschi says or does anything cryptic
- Dimiye kills something
- Erich blows something up
- O'Reilly works with any machine
- Pollos uses Kuar
- Hex travels somewhere
- Spyder does anything useful
- Richter has to repair himself
- Miro gets badly wounded
Take Two Drinks:
- For every plot hole
- For every plot inconsistency or contradiction
- For every scientifically inaccurate piece of technology
- Every cameo by a former player character
- Any dead character suddenly reappears
- Two or more player characters meet
- Every time someone turns down the chance to end the war
- Every time Hex changes his name
- Any time a player character gets laid
- A secondary character in the Dimiye plotline dies
- Spyder actually uses his mind mage powers
- Dimiye actually turns into a werewolf
- Hex actually uses his katana
- O'Reilly actually uses his slide ruler
- Pollos can't fight his way out of a bad situation
- Richter doesn't kill someone he interacts with
- ANY player character actually interacts with Enoch, the Bugs, or the Jurvain
Chug Whenever:
- A secondary character leaves the Dimiye plotline WITHOUT dying
- Erich or Dimiye loose a battle
- Treschi's plotline actually makes sense
- Any major conflict ends in a cheerful way
- A player character who everyone assumed was dead and gone reveals they are alive and well and masquerading as another player character (in this case, chug a bottle of bourbon and head-butt a concrete wall)