The Situation: If there was a TI Season 9 version of TI Babies, what would their theme song be?
Everyone: TI Babies, we'll make our dreams come true...
TI Babies we'll do the same for you...
BISHOP: I murder people
HETH: I make the cash
SCYR: I act real wierd
ARGUS: My brain's half computer
GERGIE: I cause people grief
TAKA: I've got a big family
IZZY: And I'm comic relif!
VIN DANE: Stop trying to kill me
NPCs: beep-beep-beep-BEEP!
MARCUS: Get your orders in by Friday dammit!!!
Everyone: Yes Nanny.
Everyone: Were TI, TI, TI ,TI, Bay-Bay-Bay! Doo-wah-ooooo!