Tech Infantry Season 9: Born Under a Gray Sky

The fate of the next thousand years is decided now.


Introducing the new player characters for Season 9.  Izzy has a heart-to-heart talk with Lwan.  McCall shoots a preacher in the square and gets an invitation to join the Raptors.  Bishop skulks around town before he gets orders to go after a mysterious female mage.  Scyr wakes up surrounded by dead bodies and takes the hint to leave town.  Takamitsu gets woken up early to an impromptu testing of a secret project.  Heth works out a smuggling deal with a drunk human.

Galactic Map (January 2265)

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Yasuyama Family Tree
(trust me, you'll need this!)

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Newsletter One
Imperial Fleet Broadcast - January 15th, 2265

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Earth Federation invades Minos.  Holy Terran Empire invades Kalintos.  Terran Republic and HTE disavow each other.

Episode One:
Forever's Gonna Start Tonight

Act One
Heth strikes a deal with his ex.  Bishop learns some new tricks before his mission.  McCall learns the details of his transfer to the Raptos.  Scyr chooses the strangest way to get off planet.  Izzi collects his potential front men.  Takamitsu suddenly sees his live test get ambushed while on the orbital.

Act Two
Takamitsu breaks through the space-time continuum and runs into a strange woman.  Scyr reveals the true nature of his trip to Babylon to the crew of the Scum Sucker.  Argus steps on a transport to Ashdown and gets into a fight.  Bishop goes on a mission with Fisher and runs into an old friend.  Izzy greets his new guests to Sylvania and sees what they do.  Heth makes a deal with the Jurvain... one he's not sure he should take.

Act Three
Scyr betrays his allies in order to make a big splash.  Four of Izzy's guests start revealing their inner desires.  Bishop finds the target, ends up in a bar fight, and then gets offered a new opportunity.  Heth makes a deal with his company/clan boss for great risk, but great reward.  Takamitsu discovers the reason behind his father's clever precautions and is then threatened in his own apartment.  McCall moves on to Kalintos as the TI discovers the Imperial Army's plans before the Fed attacks.

Act Four
Scyr gets a deal he can't refuse from Andrea Treschi.  Bishop is sent on a mission to unify the Fed and the Ministry.  Takamitsu gets out of a firefight and discovers who's really behind the attacks.  Izzy takes Victoria on a trip to Ghost City only to run into someone from his past.  Heth finally gets around to picking up the Fed families, only to be given a terrible surprise.  Argus is sent to take out an Imperial tunnel drive ship.

Newsletter Two
"The Rest of the Story with Lance Cannon" - Feb 2nd, 2265

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Kazimir Vitek is killed.  Minos and Tarkin officially liberated by the Fed.  Kalintos is annexed by the Empire (although still disputed).  K'Nes sign non-aggression pact with Jurvain and the Ministry.  Jurvain invades Exnium system.  Wilke's Star declares itself a free state.  SPORTS NEWS!

Episode Two:
A Star in Hell

Act One
Argus McCall manages to seize the ship and be a key factor in the battle over Kalintos.  In his new government role, Scyr starts developing the Terran Republican Navy... at a terrible cost.  Bishop and Fisher take the scenic route to Midgar, waiting to make their contact, when they have an unexpected visitor.  Heth gets through the border guards to finally meet the face behind the smuggling deal.  Victoria and Izzy are trapped by a woman from D'Argent's past, which would threaten his entire scheme.  Takamitsu and his family decide to take on General Wagenecht... only someone gets to her first.

Act Two
Victoria and Alphonse (Izzy's dummy) are on the run from Lilith... or so they think.  Scyr starts taking extreme measures to build the new Terran Navy; Rocky wants to hit his head against a table.  Bishop and Michelle are invited to the local Sabbat house, Michelle is questioned about her dedication, and they finally meet their contact.  Argus prays that his drop pod insertion goes well and passes a hermit crab the size of a house.  Takamitsu leads his platoon into Hawke Barracks, secures the control room, only to learn a shocking truth.  Heth finds out the truth hidden within the power armor.

Act Three
Bishop and Fisher finally meet up with Aisha Ramirez to sign the unification treaty.  Izzy has to break the news that Patty's daughter has been kidnapped, but the contest winners aren't waiting to find out what happens.  Lt. Commander Rochefort leaves our story while Scyr takes the fleet to Wolf.  Heth offers to carry a non-aggression pact to the K'Nes Llan and finally clears his name.  Argus kicks some serious ass on Kalintos.  Takamitsu blows up the barracks and returns back home, only to discover that he's started a revolution.

Act Four
Izzy manages to free Victoria, only to find himself attacked in another arena.  Bishop pays Ramirez a surprise visit and gets a surprise in return.  The negotiations that Taka set up are going well, before a face from his past appears.  Argus sits down for a game of cards, and treason, before everything blows up.  Heth returns to Purrfang and convinces the patriarch to vote on the Fed pact.  Scyr proves that he's great at organization, not so much in combat.

Newsletter Three
Free Net Newscast - March 4th, 2265

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Aisha Ramirez is dead, but the Fed-Ministry merger goes through.  Fed reclaims Kalintos.  Terran Republic strikes at Wolf.  New Tokyo riots continue.  Charbydis is attacked by Bugs.  Jurvain are strip-mining Exnium.  K'NES COMMERCIAL!

Episode Three:
Black Fire Upon White Fire

Act One
Takamitsu finally meets his uncle, his uncle's friend, and his grandparents.  Bishop finally proves his loyalty to the Sabbat by killing everyone who stands in his way.  Scyr has a conversation with himself in the Deep Umbra.  Heth makes another deal with Miu, only to realize that he was getting more than he hoped for.  Argus McCall finds himself paralyzed in a hospital bed, while Dr. Hicks and Commander Tibbetts tell him what happened.  Izzy's server gets fried, forcing the vampire to come back to the real world... hungry, right in time to meet some company.

Act Two
Izzy and Lilith finally settle their long-standing dispute.  Takamitsu finally meets up with his grandmothers and points out the obvious flaw in their plans.  Bishop is taken into the Sabbat's war council, and ends up fighting more than he thinks, before he gets an unexpected visit.  Heth meets up with the 'man' who betrayed him and has to act fast to save his life... and others.  Argus gets into a bragging match with Titus Vardan, wins, and then gets a nasty surprise because of it.  Scyr makes plans to move the fleet on Earth when he gets a comm that stops him in his tracks.

Act Three
Argus learns what it's like to be in the front line... the hard way.  Scyr gets called into Treschi's office and then booted into the next world.  Heth gets an unexpected call, which leads to him dropping everything, right at the start of mating season.  Bishop reconciles with Cortona and they go off to get a bite to eat.  Takamitsu leaves one family to return to another, right as the other bomb is about to drop.  Izzy, being so winded from defeating Lilith, is too tired to appear this week, so Argus' story finishes up this act.

Act Four
Argus gets saved from certain peril, only to be left behind by the Fleet that sent him there.  Scyr gets into a fight with Treschi and gets knocked out of the parallel universe.  Bishop and Cortona finally get around to finding the gang leader, who's a lot tougher than he looks.  Heth meets his new ship and crew, catches up with Miu, and gets yelled at by his own mercenary captain.  Taka reaches the secret bunker, only to be shuffled onto a shuttle, while they make a jump to defeat the orbitals.  Izzy is freed from his self-imposed imprisonment, giving his contest winners a choice, only to find himself in big trouble.

Newsletter Four
Free Net Newscast - May 13th, 2265

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Riots break out across former Ministry worlds.  Wolf taken by the Holy Terran Empire.  Jurvain invade Kalintos and Sarma.  Circe attacked by Bugs.  Charbydis falls.  SPORTS NEWS!

Episode Four:
You're Gonna Carry That Weight

Act One
Bishop talks about the possible implications of the book, meets with the Sabbat hierarchy, and then heads off to Van Diemen with a Plague of wererats.  Scyr gets patched up by the Imperial Fleet and then transferred over to a powerful political force in the Empire.  Heth negotiates with Chairman Smythe to extract his mother from an Imperial siege.  Argus gets up a tower, only to get crushed by it when the enemy detonates it, and gets caught up in a busy firefight.  Izzy manages to get out of being arrested and meets up with Gabe and Stefan before escaping the trap.  Taka and his dad manage some pretty impressive magick to take the battlestation, only to be reminded what they really should be doing.

Act Two
Heth prepares for the mission, sneaks into Imperial territory, and talks to Rachel O'Reilly about finding a way into the Cialt compound.  Argus finds a Sabbat party pad in St. Michael's Star.  Bishop has a nice chat with David & Irene, Hugh, and the Ancestral Spirits.  Izzy escapes and finds a new crew for his ship, thanks to the intervention of the mysterious Agent Five.  Takamitsu heads down to the planet to negotiate the future of New Tokyo with the Cult's high priest.  Scyr freaks out when he finally reaches Avalon and literally unleashes hell.

Act Three
Scyr finally has it out with the skeletal man and forces his internal dialogue to speak.  Argus fails to convince the general to not surrender, but luckily, the colonel does... right before the Earth Fleet arrives.  Bishop and Cortona find out the plan on Van Diemen, then Melissa goes off after the actual target, while Bishop almost gets his butt handed to him in a street fight.  Heth and Rachel O'Reilly track down a Cialt contact who can get them into the Abbey.  Taka talks to his dad, lets slip to Ji-yoon that her mom is still alive, and then makes a deal with the Emperor.  Agent Five explains to Izzy why she's there, they fly to Jennifer's Star, and make an appointment with the governor.

Act Four
Taka sorts out the minutia of building a government, only to get the greater conspiracy explained by an old friend.  Scyr is hunted while he tries to assemble the necessary parts for his project.  Bishop talks to Luther to sort out the conspiracy, while Melissa moves to assassinate the Baron of Van Diemen.  Izzy meets up with an old friend to get the feel of things before he meets with the governor.  Heth and his team get one hell of a pep talk, sneak into the Abbey, and contact the Cronos Resistance.  Smythe makes a dent in the Imperial defenses of St. Michael's Star, but realizes the need for a better plan.

Newsletter Five
Free Net Newscast - June 3rd, 2265

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Eden falls to the Empire, Babylon evacuated.  Circe falls to the Bugs, invade Deseret and Chalfont.  Jurvain have taken Sarma and Kalintos and also countered the Bug attack on Chalfont.  Fed has taken St. Michael's Star.  Chris Snyder, Baron Van Diemen, has been assassinated.  Arnheim, San Angeles, and Beowulf have broken away from the Fed.  SPORTS NEWS!

Episode Five:
In Stone Where Fires Burn

Act One
Izzy heads out with the governor and Dr. O'Brien in tow to Epsilon, where they meet with the 6th Fleet and try to convince Admiral Qing to join them... until everything changes.  Taka's great-grandfather dies, their hatred of the Bugs is renewed, and the family argues about what's to be done next.  Argus goes Bug hunting for a Queen to find out the secret behind the new attacks.  Scyr finishes the Life Mask and sneaks onto Avalon, finding a lost Tradition stronghold.  Bishop continues his talk with Luther, catching up with Melissa and Irene, before going to meet Santino, Tyler, and Gergenstein.  Heth works with the Brothers and Narrah to break through the magickal interference and transit the Resistance to the waiting ship - but no battle plan survives contact with the enemy.

Act Two
Heth has to do some dandy manuevering to get out of Cronos, only to find his allies have become his enemies.  Argus and his squad get their Queen Bug, but at a high cost.  Scyr gets to the library, only to revert to his paranoid self before leaving.  Taka gets a lesson in whoop-ass and puts it on the line with Ji-yoon.  Izzy has a hard time convincing the admiral to join his quest, so he takes a nap, and has a dream sequence.  Bishop gets sent off with Luther to discover the secrets behind the Giovanni book, and discovers the secrets inside it too late.

Act Three
Bishop has to fight for his life against the turncoat Cardinal Malakait.  Scyr is moving rocks around when he gets a strange encounter.  Argus gets caught in the most uncomfortable briefing of his life.  Heth discovers that his life has collapsed while he's been away at Cronos, with greater risk and reward possible than ever before.  Taka finds himself in a family meeting, before meeting his girlfriend, and finds out about the buzzing.  Izzy reunites with Lwan, and finally figures out how to convince the admiral, a few moments too late.

Act Four
Izzy faces off with Treschi, only to manage the impossible.  Dr. Tyler is dealt with as an old player enters Sabbat politics, pushing Bishop towards Avalon.  Taka finally takes the family to Avalon, only to get his butt kicked.  Heth talks to O'Reilly about the origin of Impossibarium and realizes the true danger awaiting him.  The Dimiye sneaks past the Imperial defenses to accomplish its mission, with dire consequences for Argus.  Scyr bluffs his way into the Imperial Court, with predictable consequences.

Newsletter Six
"The Rest of the Story with Lance Cannon" - July 4th, 2265

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Smythe agrees to new elections in six months; he is awarded the Vitek Medal.  Bug advance has been stopped; Deseret and Chalfont liberated.  Battle for Epsilon raged on, but the Empire looks to be winning.  Van Diemen declares its independence.  Sarma has been liberated by the Federation.  Jennifer's Star Scyrs win the FedEx FedBall Cup.  SABBAT COMMERCIAL!

Episode Six:
The Last Hundred Days

Act One
Scyr proceeds to let go and kick ass at the Imperial Court.  The Yasuyamas make a deal with the Denim Man to get their family back.  Miu goes in to sign the deal, leaving only Heth to get her out of it.  Bishop has to work some serious mojo to get to Avalon, and then meets up with Argus' squad.  The troopers go to a pizza place to meet up with the Sabbat.  Izzy survives his battle to make his way to Avalon through a circuitous route.

Act Two
Heth puts it on the line and manages to save his company from ruin.  Scyr finds Argus' drone and follows it back to his owner.  Unfortunately, when Scyr captures him, he's captured in return.  They plan a way to get at Vin Dane, but Scyr gets bored and escapes.  Izzy crash lands into Avalon and the crew manages to survive, when Scyr decides to capture Agent Five instead.  Finally, the big battle to get Vin Dane begins.  Taka, thrilled at getting his mom and sister back, really has no time to be in this act.

Act Three
The final battle for the Empire begins.  Argus and his team sneak inside Vin Dane's bunker.  Bishop squares off with Field Marshal Palencia, head of the Imperial Army.  Scyr and Izzi fight over Agent Five—and finally discover her identity.  Heth sets up a counter-coup to oust Varrless.

Act Four
Victoria and the Orb's future are revealed, much to Izzy's surprise.  Bernard Dent leads the way and fights Vin Dane.  Heth challenges Varless in the capital while his impromptu fleet takes on the Horadrim vessel.  Bishop mourns the loss of Melissa and tries to figure out the Sabbat's remaining role.  Argus and Jason go into the bunker to help with the battle.  Miro and Fialla find themselves trapped in the present.  And the final resolution of the plot to kill Vin Dane!


The final battle with Vin Dane... no, really!  Bertie works with Team Golden Ticket to build a new resistance to Imperial rule.  Roquefort gets a new job.  Gergenstein reveals what happened to the Federation.  Bishop gets a new job, too, because the vampires are uniting as a new force.  Treschi doesn't like that and comes up with a plan to counter them.  Adorinda Alinejad gets a promotion and goes off to destroy jumpgates.  Welthammer makes an appearance.  Demon hunters have a difficult job.  Heth gets a new litter of kittens.  O'Reilly and Gergenstein get together and come up with an exciting new form of technology.  And finally, we resolve Miro and Fialla's sideplot.

Galactic Map (August 2266)

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Click here to read the prequel story - Tech Infantry: Prayer for the Technocrats
Click to read the prequel story - Tech Infantry: Prayer for the Technocrats

Click here to read the story from season 4.3: Rage Agaisnt the Dying of the Light!
Click to read the prequel prequel story - TI Season 4.3: Rage Agaisnt the Dying of the Light

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